Many of those who share my concerns with respect to balance consider Filtering a good alternative to Shielding or Grounding.
In this method, rather than a bubble or sphere, the energy takes more of a layered form. For lack of a better description, think of it as an onion.
I find this philosophy to be fascinating if for no other reason the variables in how people view this approach and how it’s applied are so far reaching.
Rather than envisioning a solid wall of energy between you and the world, the majority of those who use the Filtering method instead employ a fuzzy grey barrier that blocks negative energy, but allows all other energy through. Once again the color scheme is one of the variables I mentioned.
Inside of that barrier is envisioned a yellow layer of circulating air that will heighten your perceptions and increase your awareness of your surroundings and inside of that, might be a layer of red, fiery energy that you can use to protect yourself if you should need it.
A major part of this school of thought is that since you’ve created the layers you can tweak the density of your filters, allowing more or less energy through and if at any point you feel really threatened, you can always pump a little extra energy into your outer filter and turn it into a barrier.
Filtering is considered by those who use it to offer the perfect balance of heightened awareness and spiritual protection.