Hoax pictures are everywhere. We've all seen them and there's no reason for us to publish any of them here. The vast majority are old pictures with double exposures, but as time has gone by computers have made it easier to fake these pictures.
Most however aren't frauds, but are in reality honest mistakes. They are the result of something we call "Matrixing". I can't tell you who coined that term, but I can tell you that it's an umbrella for a number of other, more easily definable occurences.
One of these is "Anthropomorphizing". This is the act of attributing human form or characteristics to things that are not human. There are many examples of this in the National Inquirer every day when people see the Virgin Mary on their toast, etc. Another potential cause for matrixing is "Pareidolia". This is a psychological term that is basically used to describe the act of applying significance to something which is in reality random.
Personally I consider matrixing simply trying too hard. As Paranormal Investigators, most of us want more than anything else to find evidence that what we're searching for is real and sometimes our mind works overtime to get us what we want...
Here are what I think are two great examples of matrixing...
Some other instances of matrixing aren't quite as clear cut. I believe the below photograph to be an interesting trick of the fog and the light. With some help from the human imagination it's something quite different.
What do you see?
Click the picture to see what other's might see...