While describing Shielding I mentioned that there was usually an affirmation of faith that you’d be kept safe involved, but that who or what was going to do that was a matter of choice. I left it at that to avoid a long digression but what better time to talk about matters of choice than on a page about prayer?
When the potential of negative energy is strong St. Michael the Archangel is the where most investigators who use prayer turn, and with good reason.
St. Michael was initially considered to be a healing angel but over time he became known as the leader of God’s armies against evil. Interestingly he’s portrayed as basically the same character in Christian, Hebrew and Muslim faiths. Evan the Seventh Day Adventist, while primarily seeing Michael as another name for the son of God, describe him as the one to cast Satan out of heaven.
I won’t go into the many versions here, but prayers to St. Michael are commonly used in these situations.
Other angels or archangels are used for this purpose as well. Several years ago I was on an investigation some members of a group much more experienced than myself and much more versed in the spiritual aspects of the paranormal and protection and this was where the one experience I’ve had that truly call disturbing had taken place. I had been told by several people that there was a spirit in this location who “Hated” me going back to my provoking days but I didn’t tell these women because I was anxious to hear their thoughts.
As we walked out of the room where that experience had taken place one of these women told me very sternly that they had already called on the Archangel Raphael to be at my side.
For many, the 27th Psalm or Psalm of Protection is the preferred prayer, which is another very apt choice.