Shielding basically amounts to strengthening your aura (your personal energy field) in a way that prevents negative energy from affecting you.
The most common way of shielding is to envision yourself surrounded by a bubble of energy that creates a barrier between you and negative energy. While this isn’t thought to repel, some in the field think that while it may be protective the barrier created by the bubble also dulls your senses to a degree.
Like many other methods of protection, the specifics (or lack thereof) involved in Shielding range far as wide.
In most cases of my experience, the individual or group of individuals simply visualize the bubble. In other cases the method is to visualize a white light above you and allow the light to slowly surround you.
To some in this arena the form of the bubble is imperative. It needs to be as close to perfect sphere as possible, or it needs to be egg shaped. It needs to be blue, or white, or something in between. In fact there are even varying opinions as to whether it should entirely opaque or as solid as possible.
While the gist is basically the same, there are those to whom this ritual involves very specific verbiage. There is usually an affirmation of faith that you will be kept safe from negative influences. Interestingly there are also varying schools of thought as to what exactly it is that will keep you safe, but I’ll save that for later on I think. Suffice it to say for the moment that it’s a personal choice.
Similarly when leaving the location there are many opinions about what is said. Speaking from experience the majority involve variations of the thought I express myself, that no entities are welcome to follow or accompany you on departure.