While this may be old hat to our peers in the paranormal community, this section of the website is called Ghost Hunting 101 afterall, so the GBPA thought we ought to take afew minutes to give the uninitiated a basic understanding of various types of hauntings.
While there is some debate here as there is in all subjects paranormal, it’s safe to say that everyone agrees regarding the two major categories of hauntings we’ll discuss here. But before we head in those directions though there are afew points to bear in mind…
One is that many of the various hauntings discussed here could easily be placed in either category and depending on who you ask they may exclusively belong where I didn’t place them. So let me stress again that these are my opinions and nothing more.
Also, the picture below, a link to the Human Hauntings page, is one of the most famous hoax photos there is…
The first is Human Hauntings. I would be surprised if any of those in this arena would dispute that the vast majority of their cases fall into this category.

However there are those who deal almost exclusively in an area that I find somewhat out of my comfort zone. We’re now talking about Inhuman Hauntings.