The first is a Residual Haunting. I don’t think I agree, but many consider this to be the most common kind of haunting. It's usually a visual manifestation, and is a situation where there is no interaction. Think of it as a movie that’s on a continuous loop… Think of it as a movie that’s on a continuous loop… Think of it as a movie that’s on a continuous loop… Think of it as a movie that’s on a continuous loop… Think of it as a movie that’s on a continuous loop…
Next we have what is known as an Intelligent Haunting. In my experience this is actually the most common type of haunting.
Once we get past those two categories things start to get fuzzier. It’s certainly agreed upon that there are other kinds of hauntings, and the categories are more or less universally accepted. Once we start talking about definitions however voices tend to get raised, so I have to stress yet again that what you’re reading are merely my opinions!
I think the best way to start here is to talk a little about what some people consider other types of hauntings, but what I consider to be sub-categories of residual or intelligent hauntings.
One of these is Shadow People. I personally believe that shadow people are either intelligent or residual hauntings who simply manifest in this form, but others have very different opinions.
My very first personal paranormal experience was an Animal Haunting. In my case it was a dog, and it was clearly audible to several people, but they aren’t limited to dogs, and they aren’t limited to audible sounds only.
Animals aside, human hauntings, either residual or intelligent, can be divided into numerous categories.
I believe these categories can be considered in terms of context. Historical Hauntings are those which make complete sense in terms of their location. There are Familials, which are known to the observer, and there are Anonymous Entities, which while clearly human are not familiar. Nor do they have an obvious connection to their location.
Another entity, which I personally don’t consider a “Ghost”,is the Living Spirit…