The other day I glanced at our site and in particular this page. I realized that it hasn't been updated in a very, very long time and we have quite a bit of new equipment to show off. So please enjoy a tour of our arsenal as of August 2021 and take note of the fact that some of the previous entries have been updated. ****************************************************************************************************************** Below you'll find pictures of some of the equipment The GBPA uses on investigations. Click on the picture for a caption describing the item and the how's and why's of it's use. There is something important that bears mention, and this is a good place to do so. Much of the equipment displayed on this page are double edged swords. By that I mean some of the equipment used by those who delve into this field can be dangerous when used incorrectly. That discussion usually revolves around Ouija boards a pendulums, and the fact that they may open doors to other realms. But the reality is that Ouija Boards and pendulums are tools just like the others we use. And while they may be somewhat more exotic, they are in many ways no different than a K-2 meter. They are all simply tools we use to communicate with entities beyond our physical reach. That being the case it's important to always ground and psychically protect yourself and others that are with you. Some entities may come into your presence through use of the any of these tools but stay in the background waiting either for you to acknowledge them (an ancestor, etc.) or for the opportunity to attach and leave with you. Whether using these items or no equipment at all, your watchwords should be respect and caution. You should express gratefulness and thankfulness for the answers and insights provided, and also to clearly tell the entities that they must stay at their location and not attach themselves to you, others with you, or your objects.